La Bastide de Bellegarde

Charmin Guest house in Avignon - île de la Barthelasse

Contact and location :

The Bastide de Bellegarde is located on the Barthelasse Island, a large green space at the gates of Avignon.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any request, we are glad to answer you !

La Bastide de Bellegarde

 990 chemin du Mont Blanc - 84000 Avignon

GPS N 43,975011 E 4,82292
☎ +33.628 331 426

How to get to us ?

Inter. airport Marseille – 90 km (1h)
Inter. airport Montpellier – 92 km (1h)
Airport Avignon-Provence – 15 km (20 min)
Avignon Railways station TGV – 7 km (10 min)
• A 7 : highway exit 23 Avignon Nord / Avignon Centre
• A9 highway exit 23 Remoulins / Avignon